
Find the exceptional cases in our application.

In this section we’ll dive into the Exceptions page and find out what information we can learn from it. Start by selecting the Exceptions page from the Outline.

This page offers the following sections:

  • Overview: You can get Exceptions by Class and Count
  • Message: View the detail messages for all exceptions and errors.
  • Timeline/Event Log: View when a particular exception was thrown.
  • StackTrace: Identify where the exception was thrown from.


You can select an exception from the table to filter the information to that particular exception. You could also filter by a particular exception message.


NullPointerExceptions are a familiar exception you deal with in Java, and often times indicate a programming error. Other exception types often point to a common symptom.

Follow Ups

  • What are the exceptions that are getting generated the most?
    • What stack traces are the contributor?
  • Can you find any areas in our code where we may have made an incorrect assumption regarding nullability?
    • Are there any other areas in our code where we might have made an incorrect assumption based on an exception’s class?
  • Are there any exceptions that might indicate a problem with our dependencies?


  Up Next

In the next section, we'll look at the Threads used by our application.
